Cornerstone Chiropractic Specialists, P.A.

(651) 204-5533


Shoulder Pain & Rotator Cuff Injuries

Over the past several years, the terms "impingement syndrome" and "rotator cuff syndrome" have become popular buzz words in sports medicine, replacing the previous terms of bursitis, tendinitis, supraspinatus syndrome, etc. All of these terms describe essentially the same phenomena: overuse and irritation of the rotator cuff.

Although other, more serious causes exist, rotator cuff irritation is the most common cause of shoulder pain seen in athletes and
non-athletes alike. This can be due to any combination of factors
including poor posture, poor ergonomic environment at work, improper lifting, and improper warm-up, stretching, and technique in various sports. Many people complain of shoulder pain radiating to the side of the arm, where the deltoid muscle inserts onto the humerus bone. This occurs due to referred pain. Pain and "snapping" when raising the arm overhead are also common complaints.

A thorough examination including orthopedic and neurologic testing and X-ray or MRI studies, if necessary, will help to determine your exact diagnosis and individualized treatment plan. Manipulation (adjustment) of the spinal and extremity joints is very effective in restoring normal function to the joints, as well as to the surrounding muscles and nerves. This usually leads to a decrease in pain and faster recovery. Part of your treatment may also include some of the following: acupuncture, therapeutic exercises, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and ice or heat therapy. Massage therapy and myofascial release techniques may also be used in conjunction with these other therapies in order to get the best results. Also, the chiropractor may arrange for on-site evaluation of your workout routine and/or workplace to correct improper ergonomic conditions, which may be aggravating your condition. In the event that
your condition requires medical attention, an appropriate referral would be made promptly.